
I first met Josh Atwell in Raleigh-Durham, North Carolina last year. I was in town to spend a couple of days with NetApp up at the Raleigh Technology Park (RTP). It just so happened that Josh and his fellow VMUG leaders had their VMUG at the same time, so ever the community fellow I came along to their meeting.

Josh is a very active blogger with a strong focus on PowerCLI at and he’s active on twitter to as @Josh_Atwell. Josh is a Systems Administrator for Cisco IT focusing on reporting and automation. He spends the bulk of his time with PowerCLI and Splunk but dabbles in other automation platforms from time to time. In the last 10 years Josh has worked in environments of all sizes and roles varying from desktop support to engineer and architect. Josh is highly active in the virtualization and PowerShell community and was named VMware vExpert in 2012.  Over the years he’s been active leading a variety of technology based user groups such as CIPTUG, VMUG, and UCS Users Group and hopes one day to get a local PowerShell group started. Josh holds both VMware VCAP certifications and enjoys working with others on preparing for their certification pursuits as a co-host and presenter on the vBrownBag podcasts.

Again, we focused on the theme of “frustrations of infrusturce” and you we might “restructure the infrustucture”. But later we talk about the cadences of vSphere releases and how business might react to the year-on-year updates that are planned by VMware.

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