I was chatting with Chris Wahl recently, and I was racking my brains about how we first met – we both agreed it must have been on one of Stephen Foskett’s “Tech Field Days”. He blogs over on and tweets on @ChrisWahl. Chris has a bio on his blog which I’ve redacted over here:

“I’m a virtualization-aholic living in the Chicago area. I’m a self proclaimed computer nerd, having started with BASIC programming on an Apple II back in the early 80′s using those fun example guides as a primer, co-operated a BBS on a whitebox 386 hosting VGA Planets and a few MUDs, and later moved into the field of infrastructure and systems administration.

I’m in your data center, virtualizing your servers.

Around 2006 I discovered the awesomeness of virtualization through VMware and was hooked ever since. I’ve run the gamut of their products, from servers, desktops, clouds, and much more. I like how virtualization harnesses the entire skillset range, from infrastructure, networking, compute, storage, and even some creative arts (such as fancy folder nesting!). I founded this blog in October of 2010 as a creative outlet for discussing technical topics and relaying my experiences publicly, and make it a point to provide content on a regular basis with a high standard of integrity.”

Last time we both in the same geography Chris was in Frankfurt for the HP event, and I was there speaking at VMUG. Sadly, we only found this out after the fact – if I’d been a little bit more switched on, perhaps we could have done this face to face… Anyway, me and Chris worked out a number of questions before the recording…

Q1. I see you were at the HP Discover event in Frankfurt (I was at the Frankfurt VMUG at the same time!) what did you learn? Any key take aways our VMware users would be interested in?
Q2. NFS on vSphere? It sounds like your advocate – why do you like it so much AND more importantly what don’t you like about it? Is there anything Vmware and the NFS providers could do better?
Q3. I see went for your VCDX. What made you go for the certification. Apart from being able to say your VCDX001 in Chicago?
Q4. I see your happy to talk on the subject of some ideas / takeaways around the new 5.1 dvSwitch. So what do you like/don’t like?

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