Well, I’m all booked up for the very first Italy User Conferrence – and even been covered on their “SpotLight” page recently. You can register for the event here, and visit the Italy VMUG’s home page here: http://www.vmug.it/

I’m really thrilled to be going – not just because I love Italy so much, but also its great to see the various countries that make up the EU striking out for their own national conferrence like our counter-parts have on a state-wide basis in the US. I think its great idea to bring ALL the groups that make up a country like the UK, Denmark or Italy – to share their experiences and network.

I will pimping my presentation: Zero to Colo: vCloud Director in My Lab which I’ve presented at a number of VMUGs this year (and I hope to submit to VMworld as well!), and I will be joined by stellar cast of vRockstars including:

Understanding Network Virtualization – Scott Lowe

Designing a Virtual Infrastructure – Duncan Epping

Software Defined Storage: vSphere Storage Futures – Cormac Hogan