702947781_1395366929I’ve been think of doing this for a while – but today I decided to globally turn off comments on my blog. If was Scott Lowe’s decision to do this on Tuesday, that finally convinced me it was the right thing to do. Like Scott I have all the tools designed to stop comment spam – and in the past these have worked pretty well in keeping comment spam down to minimum. These tools just aren’t working any longer.

So its with a heavy heart that I decided to do this. Blogging is meant to be two way street, and all bloggers will tell you they love to get positive and constructive feedback on what they post, and as well as forthright and well argued discussions. However, once most of your traffic is 99% spam, and 1% geniune responses something has to give.

I will review this decision every so often, and if I find the old tools improve or better anti-spam comment tools become available. I will turn comments back on…