So this is a demo of a new song called “Bring Her Home” – a very rough cut just from my spare bedroom studio. The song is dedicated to Brianna Ghey, the trans girl who was recently stabbed to death in Linear Park. On a big level is really about how every parent just wishes their son or daughter, will come safely. That doesn’t seem to much to ask – but in the current climate of knife crime (and other violent crimes) in this country, it seems a big ask.

The title was inspired by the story of Tina Bell. She was last seen alive on Saturday 3 June 1989, and her remains were later found on 21 April 1990 on waste ground at the ICI Cassel Works, Billingham, Teesside. There was a recent unsolved murder documentary about Tina. She was 18 at the time of her death. When interviewed by the tv crew, they asked her brother what he hoped would be the impact of the programme – to which he replied very simply “Bring her home”.

I guess that speaks to the undescribable loss for a parent, or a child – whether a missing person or one whose circumstances of the death is unknown and justice is yet to be found.

I rarely write about relief events, less so events that are less than a couple of weeks ago. But I felt compelled to write the song when days later, Brianna’s death was reported on the news.

Due to my ill health, I couldn’t attend any of the street vigils for Brianna. So I played the song and lit a candle at home